Rusty Piano

Rusty Piano is a lo-fi acoustic piano with a lot of character and charm. Recorded hot on purpose, Rusty Piano has a very saturated and thick sound. It's the perfect piano sound for "rougher" music genres like indie rock, lo-fi hip-hop, free jazz, rock'n'roll, etc.


Audio Demo:

Plugin Features:

  • A fully multi-sampled acoustic piano
  • One sample per note
  • Distortion, Delay, Chorus, Reverb
  • Multi-LFO
  • Highpass/lowpass filter
  • Amplitude range controls
  • 3 voice modes: polyphonic, monophonic, and legato

Decent Sampler version:

The Decent Sampler version features the same sounds as the plugin version but has different effects and sound-shaping capabilities. Decent Sampler is a free sampler VST/VST3/AAX/AU/AUv3 and is compatible with Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS. There's also a standalone version.

Kontakt 5/6/7 version:

The Kontakt version has amplitude and filter ADSRs as well as reverb. The Kontakt 5/6 version requires the full version of Kontakt 5/6 and up. It must be the latest updated version.

Reason ReFill version:

The Reason ReFill contains 1 combinator v2 rack and requires Reason 12 and up. It comes with lo-fi and degradation effects to make your piano sound dirtier. We love it!

Compatible with all OS via Decent Sampler!*

Compatible with all major DAWs!

Requirements for the plugin version:

  • Windows 8.1/10/11 or macOS 10.12 and up
  • 128 MB of HD space
  • 2GHz Quad-core CPU or better with 4 GB of RAM or more
  • 64-bit VST/VST3/AU Host

Requirements for the Decent Sampler version:

Requirements for the Kontakt 5/6/7 version:

  • The latest version of Kontakt 5 or Kontakt 6 and up
  • It must be the full version. It won't work in the free Kontakt Player
  • 235 MB of HD space

*except Android